Hello, My dear friends, encouragers and supporters. Thanks for visiting our site. All these photos belongs our ministry in various places in India. We hope these photos help you to pray better for ministry and us and extends your helping hands for us. We invite you all to be part of our ministry any way. We pray for you all. God bless you.

Church Ministry: Orphanage Ministry Village Ministry Prayer Cell Ministry Aged Helping Ministry Blind People Ministry

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Beloved in Christ, Praise the Lord! I greet you in the most highly exalted name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. God has privileged me to share the activities of our ministry with you all through this free web, Please read and pray for our ministry and for your kind co-operation for the extension of the kingdom of God.

Praise the Lord! My name is M. Anburaj. I was born in a Hindu family. Later, I was saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In 1992, God spoke to me through His word. He called me to His wonderful ministry and gave a wonderful vision. So I have joined bible collage 2 years and learned more about the bible and His powerful words. After I started the Lord’s ministry in Melnalathur village, kappesspuram village and Nambakkam village, in this village most of the people are Non -Christian and bondage in alcohol, sickness. Curse, they don’t know who is Jesus? Why He was crucified? So, I have very burden in my heart about this area of people to preach the word of God and His love, daily we prayed for these areas and distribute handbills and gospel books by Grace of God, Many people are very eager to know about Jesus and His love. God delivered many people from the sickness and bondage of Satan. Now above 100 of the people accepted Our Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour; all the glory to God only, please pray for this ministry in your regular prayer. God bless our family His mighty hand, I Got married on February 7th 2000. The Lord has blessed us with two children. Glory to God.


By God’s grace, I have started 3 churches. The three churches are in the remote villages. The churches are very small. The 3 churches are in neighboring villages. These villages are not yet developed. As these is situating in the remote area. Most of the people are in poverty and also blind people. Leprosy people and affected by other diseases are living. Most of them are going for daily wages in a very low salary. They don’t have proper churches. We went there every week preach the gospel to give tracts and new testaments bibles we started the small churches in this area’s. We conducted the services in these 3 churches on Sunday in different time. We are praying for a good place to build the church in these villages. We do not have proper facilities and transport to go to these churches at times. So I conduct the services in different days. Please pray for this church ministry growth.